Casino Baden Fotos Events

admin  4/11/2022


  1. Casino Baden Fotos Events October
  2. Casino Baden Fotos Events November
  1. Congress Center Baden Hold a meeting and celebrate. The house of 1,000 possibilities is a one-of-a-kind link between a congress and event location featuring a historic ambience and the sparkling flair of one of the most beautiful casinos in Europe.
  2. The Congress Casino Baden (in neo-renaissance style) offers the spectacular setting for a large variety of events near the metropolis Vienna. The congress and event center presents an extensive range of casino activities and events from concerts and literature evenings, balls and theatre nights to meetings and congresses.
  3. Show submenu Events. Calendar of events; Ticket Service; Summerlounge. 2500 Baden Kaiser-Franz-Ring 1. Opens at 10:00 +43 2252 444 96.

A top-class VIP evening for DC members and their guests

„Try your luck on Friday, July 13 at the Casino Baden-Baden“

The Race with Dieter Meier The Race with Dieter Meier The Race with Dieter Meier AUG / 24 / 2019 The Race with Dieter Meier.

Casino Baden Fotos Events

Following the champagne reception, all participants will receive an exclusive tour guided by Thomas Schindler, Director of the casino. After the exciting tour, the group is welcome to have a dinner in the stylish and exclusive ambience of the casino (participants pay for their own dinner).


Casino Baden Fotos Events October

Having enjoyed dinner, it’s time to gamble: a roulette table is reserved for Diplomatic Council members. A friendly croupier is present to help those with little gambling experience and is happy to answer any questions because after all, this evening is about fun, games and excitement.


This event is open only to Diplomatic Council members (silver and gold status). Members may bring friends and guests.

Casino Baden Fotos Events November

Those guests who wish to stay overnight, may book a room in the legendary Roomers Hotel in Baden Baden and on indicating the keyword „Diplomatic Council“ they will receive a special rate for accommodation (please call +49 7221 901930).